Personal y Supervisión
Nuestro personal está comprometido a ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes la mejor educación a lo largo de su estancia con nosotros. Animamos a nuestros estudiantes a trabajar con diligencia y obtener el mayor nivel posible de competencia en inglés. Nuestros profesores conocen los mejores métodos para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Todo el personal de la Academia trabaja con sensibilidad, y sabe escuchar y dar cabida a la formación, el talento y el potencial de cada estudiante.
Los estudiantes están bajo la supervisión de algunas figuras definidas “Group Leader”. Los “Group Leader” supervisan a los estudiantes durante sus viajes a la escuela y de la familia de acogida, donde la madre y luego el anfitrión o el personal de la escuela y entrenadores tomarán el papel de los supervisores. Nuestro personal se hará cargo de los atletas constantemente para que puedan beneficiarse de esta gran experiencia educativa de la mejor manera. El juego, la oportunidad de expresarse, la serenidad son esenciales para un aprendizaje eficaz.
Nuestro equipo “Group Leaders” estará muy cerca de los estudiantes durante todo el programa para que estén satisfechos durante todo el período de la estancia, mostrando una atención especial en escuchar las distintas necesidades.
Staff and Supervision
All of the staff at the Rugby Academy are committed to offering athletes the best possible education during their stay. We inspire athletes to work diligently so they can effectively improve their skills.
The experienced coaching staff are well trained and highly qualified in what they coach. They are up to date with the latest methods in coaching Rugby to international players and combine academic excellence with sensitivity and receptiveness to each athlete’s individual needs, talents and potential.
All coaches are graduates with qualifications in coaching rugby (RFU, IRFU NZRU) and are respected for their knowledge and professionalism.
The activities programme provides students with an opportunity to absorb some of Ireland’s rich heritage in a fun and relaxed way while also allowing athletes the opportunity to improve their personal skills. This informal and social aspect of the programme is key to improving social skills. It also allows athletes from different nationalities to get to know each other outside the rugby ground. Some of the friendships made at the Rugby Academy will last a lifetime.
Athletes-Students travel to the locations with their group leader(s) and one or more “Play Rugby” activity leader.
All students are supervised by “Play Rugby” activity leaders. During the day, students take part in supervised school classes, training sessions, activities and excursions. During the evening, students will also have a programme of supervised activities.
All the students/athletes have 24-hour emergency assistance.