Play Rugby and learn English

Age grade



We ensure that all players are able to enjoy rugby in a safe environment where they can develop their personal and social skills. Rugby and English is the programme for all players aged 6 – 18 in clubs, schools, colleges and within the representative pathway and it incorporates the rules of play, regulation, competition formats and the structure of the season worldwide.

Our system is based on the principles of player centred, development driven and competition supported with the wants and needs of young people at its heart.

9 – 8 years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 10 athletes.

The capacities of young players dictate that most learning activities are best promoted through the medium of play. This theme does not just apply to modified games but also to reduced exercises and drill activities. Specific techniques and corrections can be integrated throughout the activity while still maintaining maximum participation and enjoyment. This will also ensure that players receive a positive and motivating experience.

To facilitate the needs and capacities of younger players the coach will act as a Guide, providing the environment for players to explore in a safe and exciting way. Corrections and guidance should be subtle and simple, dealing with issues in a broad rather than detailed perspective.

The end product should be a fun and safe experience. The emphasis is placed on open-play (general movement) with all players running, passing and tackling. Younger players will continue to participate in activities that are enjoyable and rewarding. As players mature and develop greater capacities their needs and the demands of the game will also change.

11 – 10 years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 12 athletes.

The capacities of young players dictate that most learning activities are best promoted through the medium of play. This theme does not just apply to modified games but also to reduced exercises and drill activities. Specific techniques and corrections can be integrated throughout the activity while still maintaining maximum participation and enjoyment. This will also ensure that players receive a positive and motivating experience.

To facilitate the needs and capacities of younger players the coach will act as a Guide, providing the environment for players to explore in a safe and exciting way. Corrections and guidance should be subtle and simple, dealing with issues in a broad rather than detailed perspective.

The end product should be a fun and safe experience. The emphasis is placed on open-play (general movement) with all players running, passing and tackling. Younger players will continue to participate in activities that are enjoyable and rewarding. As players mature and develop greater capacities their needs and the demands of the game will also change.

13 – 12 years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 14 athletes who want to live an international rugby experience.

In the programme we have taken into account few very important aspects:

1. At this stage the players’ capacities allow them to learn through exploring. Trying out new approaches, pursuing solutions and new experiences in a controlled environment will facilitate the development of the player. Individuals are capable of problem-solving and should be encouraged to express their opinions.

2. Due to maturation, the players are now capable of longer periods of concentration and attention; therefore teaching rather than guiding is more appropriate for accelerating learning. Knowledge of how to facilitate learning through understanding is critical together with skill development and progressions.

3. With the capacity for greater understanding and technical competence, the game develops from open play to a more structured format to include the development of basic unit play (restarts – forwards & three-quarters). The game is still fun, safe and enjoyable with ample running, passing and tackling.

This programme also includes some real test matches, if appropriate and feasible.

13 – 14 years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 15 athletes who want to live an international rugby experience.

In the programme we have taken into account few very important aspects:

1. At this stage the players’ capacities allow them to learn through exploring. Trying out new approaches, pursuing solutions and new experiences in a controlled environment will facilitate the development of the player. Individuals are capable of problem-solving and should be encouraged to express their opinions.

2. Due to maturation, the players are now capable of longer periods of concentration and attention; therefore teaching rather than guiding is more appropriate for accelerating learning. Knowledge of how to facilitate learning through understanding is critical together with skill development and progressions.

3. With the capacity for greater understanding and technical competence, the game develops from open play to a more structured format to include the development of basic unit play (restarts – forwards & three-quarters). The game is still fun, safe and enjoyable with ample running, passing and tackling.

This programme also includes some real test matches, if appropriate and feasible.

15 -16 years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 16 athletes who want to live an international rugby experience.

In the programme we have taken into account few very important aspects:

Players in this category are two-fold; age-grade players (15-17 approx) & adult ‘junior’ players. Age-grade players have the capacity to focus and therefore can increase their competencies radically with the correct attention & application. Greater self-awareness and responsibility are characteristics of players at this stage, which if nurtured will form the foundations for future realization and success. Players are highly competitive and foster a greater awareness of team spirit and common goals and values.

Adult players (junior) have similar technical and tactical competencies due to limited development, but have greater physical, mental and lifestyle capacities due to greater maturation and experience/achievement.

2.Given the greater capacities of players, the requirement for the coach is to go beyond teaching and challenge players to become more proficient and achieve higher standards of performance. Therefore the coach extracts a higher level of performance through appropriate challenges and application of pressure.

3. Even though players are now highly competitive and play in league & cup competitions the essence at this stage is precise performance of the individual, units and team in the pursuit of achieving goals. The game is clearly structured and cohesive, with a greater emphasis on the role of the units. However, to maximise development, the focus should be on performance in the pursuit of desired outcomes and results.

This programme also includes some real test matches, if appropriate and feasible.

18 -17 -16  years old

We have created a specific programme for the Under 18 athletes who want to live an international rugby experience.

In the programme we have taken into account few very important aspects:

1. Players in this category (18 approx) have now committed themselves to rugby as their chief sport and are willing to invest a significant amount of time and energy to become successful. They are driven and are fiercely competitive with a greater capacity for all game related competencies. Players pay more attention to developing themselves as positional specialists in order to undertake their functional roles.

With their increase in knowledge and maturity, players are capable of strong opinions and of taking greater responsibility while also contributing more towards problem-solving.

2. Since the characteristics of players are such that they have the capacity for greater input, the role of the coach shifts towards facilitation. Allowing opportunity for opinions and problem-solving is critical if players are to develop confidence and relative autonomy.

The coach will still need to employ teaching, challenging and guiding skills where appropriate, the emphasis should be on developing players’ ability to ‘navigate’ rather than ‘replicate’.

3. The game is fiercely competitive with positional specialists clearly influencing events, mini-units & units well synchronised and team play concentrated on reducing error and maximising success. The focus is on achieving desired outcomes with respect to attack & defence goals (team, unit, mini-unit).

For example, winning the lineout is more important now than thinking about the performance; however the essences of the previous stages (performance, structured, fun) are all brought to bear in the pursuit of achieving the ‘outcomes’.

Skills Development programme


At  The Rugby Academy athletes focus on all aspects of the game and performing skills under pressure.The Rugby Skills Development Programme is designed to develop players, based on the core four skills. 
  1. Catching and Passing or Kicking
  2. Tackling
  3. Support and Evasion
  4. The Breakdown (Defensive and Attacking with individual, mini-unit and team skills assessment and progressive development )

All sessions will have one of these four core skills as its main focus, which will be assessed and developed progressively. Particular emphasis will be placed on the following topics:

  • Communication and the ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Leadership activation; mental strength; tactical intelligence
Additional aspects include (when appropriate):
  • Functional assessment and development
  • Speed, Agility and Quickness
  • Game related fitness
  • Strength and conditioning

Players who attend the Rugby Academy will be coached by Top Level coaches, fully DBS checked and first aid trained. Our staff, which includes a full-time physiotherapist, will be looking after players at all other times. They conform to Ireland, England, France and New Zealand’s Rugby Football Union and the World Rugby’s guidance in coaching rugby.

8-9 years old

10-11 years old

12-13 years old

14-15 years old

16-17-18 years old

High-Performance programme


The Rugby Academy will provide players and teams with an opportunity to experience a development programme which will be tailored to the team and/or the individual.

The rugby academy programme includes:

  • Technical skill assessment and progressive development
  • Tactical skill assessment and development (including analysis where appropriate)
  • Strength, Power and Conditioning assessment and development
  • Nutritional appraisal (assessment) and consultation
  • Access to expert coaching and fitness training
  • Access to top-level coaches and playing facilities
  • Performance analysis, Goal setting, Performance planning
  • Medical and Functional Assessment and support (where and when applicable)

14-15 years old

16-17-18 years old

Add on: Scrum Academy


Add on:

Scrum Academy Programme (minimum stay 2 weeks)

The Scrum Academy provides a scrum coaching development programme that includes the most current and up to date trends in the game. The programme is delivered by highly qualified & experienced coaches in a professional and engaging manner.

The programme follows a traditional developmental model including the following Key areas :

  • Foundation Blocks
  • Bindings
  • The Power Position
  • Safe Scrumming
Additional aspects include (when appropriate):
  • Scrum coaching
  • Scrum Consultancy
  • Scrum Analysis

We provide a high standard of scrum specific coaching that will increase and improve players and coaches’s scrum knowledge, scrum specific skills and overall qualities and abilities to perform and deliver under pressure.

14-15 years old

16-17-18 years old

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